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"What Do You Do?"

So, think about those words: hobby, job, career, vocation. Decide where you stand on all of them, and do not let go of this incredibly fierce self-accountability it takes for you to recognize that you're in control of all of those things.

Elizabeth Gilbert


"What do you do?"

It's my least favorite question, but one everyone asks.

I was a stay-at-home mom for 25 years. I never felt like it was enough to say, "I'm a mom," especially when my kids reached the age where I could get a job. I was beyond grateful for the option to stay home and have a job that did not earn an income. I know this is not always the case.

So what in the world does being a stay-at-home mom and having a job or career have to do with this month's theme, Sit with Writing?

I struggled with my decision not to have a paying job or career. I went back to school at 48 years old to fulfill a lifelong dream of finishing my degree. After I graduated, the question took on a new form, "So what are you going to do with your degree?" I wanted to scream, "Nothing. I was finishing to finish!" So, after graduation, I took a rest. I traveled. I made peace with not having a career or a paying job. I was open to new opportunities and possibilities, and lo and behold, they showed up! I write about this in a post called, Simple Unexpected Gifts.

One of these gifts was learning more about the "business" of writing through Hope Writers. I jumped in 110 percent, and then I lost myself, as I explain in the post, Sitting with Yourself. I spent the better part of this year untangling and sorting out where I Sit with Writing.

I am grateful to have stumbled upon a video that hit home and ties this together. Elizabeth Gilbert explains so simply and thoughtfully the difference between hobby, job, career, and vocation. Here is a brief overview and words from Elizabeth Gilbert:

Hobby, job, career, and vocation are four different words because they're four different things.

  1. Hobby - A hobby is something you do purely for pleasure. The stakes are zero. You don't have to have a hobby!

  2. Job - You do have to have a job. You have to pay the bills. And here's the great thing about a doesn't have to be awesome.

  3. Career - Here's another thing you don't have to have. A career is a job you are passionate about and that you love.

  4. Vocation - A vocation is a calling. A vocation is a divine invitation. A vocation is the voice of the universe in your ear saying, "I want you to do this thing. I want to use your talents and gifts to make this thing. I want you to participate in the story of creation in this way." Here is the amazing thing about having a vocation: nobody can take it from you, and no one can give it to you.

So, think about those words: hobby, job, career, vocation. Decide where you stand on all of them, and do not let go of this incredibly fierce self-accountability it takes for you to recognize that you're in control of all of those things.

Gilbert's wise words allowed me to recognize that my writing is a vocation. I don't have to feel less than because I have not ever had a career. My job is being a mother. Yes, even now, though my children are adults. Oh, and I do have a few hobbies I love.

How do you feel about these four words, and what do they mean to you? Do you feel like you "should" have a hobby or career? Have you ever thought about your vocation or vocations?

Whether you choose to have a job that pays or not, or choose to have a career or a hobby or follow your vocation, the choice is yours! So let's try to refrain from passing judgment on ourselves and others for their choices but instead support and encourage one another.

Maybe one day, writing will be a job or career for me. Maybe I will pick up a new hobby. But I will always have the job of being a mom (and sometimes it's not awesome)! So next time someone asks, "What do you?" maybe I will respond by saying, "I am a mom and a writer with a few hobbies on the side!"

Blessing as you sit with these four words and ponder what role they play in your life!

Walking the Journey with You,


If you would like to join me in a year of sitting, subscribe below. I will feature one of the following topics in my monthly posts and suggest ways to sit with them: God, Family, Myself, Community, The Present Moment, Writing, Creating, Moderation, Gratitude, Joy, and Love.



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