“We don’t have to continue holiday traditions that leave us broke, overwhelmed, and tired.”
Rachel Jonat, The Minimalist Mom

It’s coming. I see it slowly creeping in. First, it’s the clearing of Halloween candy for Christmas candy at the CVS. Then I catch a glimpse of wreaths and garland on shop doors and lampposts.
I’m not sure what to think about Christmas because this year is different. I’m focused on finishing up two classes and not about a long list of Christmas “to do’s.” I’m living in a 1500 sq ft apartment that doesn’t have much room for decoration and yet I have 13 red and green boxes of Christmas decorations sitting in a storage room. So I ask myself....what if I did Christmas differently this year? What if I didn’t spend hours decorating and planning and shopping? What if I didn’t stress over it? What would happen if I made it super simple? What if I delegated and didn’t do it all myself? Would it get done? Would it matter? Would my family be disappointed?
Secretly I have wanted this for years…wanting to tone down Christmas and just enjoy the season without all the frantic nonsense. But is it possible???
I am going to try. Wish me luck! It’s going to be a month-long experiment, and I will let you know how it goes.
What I know for sure .... Christmas has become a "thing" and NOT how Jesus would want us to celebrate His birthday. That sounds so cliché, but it’s true.
One of my favorite books to read during Advent is Ann Voskamp’s; The Greatest Gift which is an excellent reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. Also, consider reading this blog post by Joshua Becker, Choose Holiday Traditions That Serve You - https://www.becomingminimalist.com/
Lastly, it IS still November and a time to be Thankful! This past weekend, I was blessed to be able to take a three night trip to the beach. It was honestly the most relaxed I have been since, well, I don’t know when! I have a hard time being still and quiet and doing nothing. However, this is exactly what I did at the beach – I soaked in the sun and the sound of the waves and the stunning sunsets. I was present and it felt incredible. I was in awe and grateful for the endless beauty which God provides. I have SO much to be thankful for over this past year; my amazing family who is supporting my adventure of going back to school, my awesome sister and brother who are always a text away, and my friends – old and new who bring me joy! Above all, I am most grateful to a God who loves me - no.matter.what! He guides me, gives me strength and brings peace and joy to my life.

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful to all of you for reading my blog over the past year!