Be Still and Know That I am God.....Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.....
and you are not!
I am perfect, so you don't have to be
I am loving
I am protecting
I am all powerful
I am healing
Over the past six months with the challenges of downsizing, simplifying, moving and going back to school, I have forgotten I have not taken the time on a regular basis to still quietly with God. This time for me is essential. It is food for my soul. And believe me, I have been hungry. So Last week I decided I would take 15 minutes in the morning to sit with The Lord. I mean what is 15 minutes out of my 14-16 hour day. It seemed absurd if I could not accomplish that.
I start, as always, being grateful for at least one thing. I like to read a reflection of some sort and then meditate on it. Prayers come next. I can not tell you what a difference this makes in my day and my overall wellbeing. What amazes me is that when I get off track and then come back, God is always there waiting for me with open arms. And He says, " It's okay. I get it. Life gets crazy, but I am still here for you!" Thank Goodness! I am so grateful we have a God of love and a God of mercy!
The book I have been reading for my reflection is Present Over Perfect - Leaving Behind Frantic For A Simpler, More Soulful Way Of Living by Shauna Niequist. I have been reading this by taking one chapter a day to reflect on. It is a fantastic book! I would recommend it to anyone wanting to feel less frazzled and overwhelmed. It is a reminder of what is truly important and how to live your life accordingly. A few days ago I read this from her book and it rang true for me, "For those of us who came of age in the "more is more" mentality, it can be hard to grasp the idea that we have some authority over the size of our own lives - that we have the agency and authority and freedom to make them smaller or larger, heavier or lighter." (pg 45)
Lastly, the picture above! It is a painting by one of my favorite artist, Anne Neilson Her paintings are primarily of angels. I have a strong belief in the power of angles and their protection. I believe that God sends His angels to watch over us and give us give us comfort and protection. One of my favorite prayers to say when flying (although you could use this in any circumstance) is....."Lord, if for any reason I should not get on this plane, prevent me from doing so. Otherwise, send your angels to protect me. Amen."
Find 5 minutes, 10 minutes, whatever you can and be still today! You won't regret it!