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"Never Say Never." Charles Dickens


This post goes out to my brother, Tim. Who probably at one time in his life said, "I will never fly again." But now, he is flying and hiking, and his job doesn't entail sitting in an office from 9-5pm. There are many times I have looked at his life and thought, "I could never.....". But, here I am in a three bedroom apartment and loving it! So thank you, Tim, for all your inspiration! And on to my post....

Raise your hand if you have said, "I will never do Jud Wiebe again." Yes - I am raising my hand high. I wrote about this trail in my June post while we were in Telluride. When my family and I started on the hike everyone was tired, it was hot, we had just eaten a big lunch, and we were going in the wrong direction. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who said in the midst of frustration, "I will never do this trail again!" But guess what, when we go back to Telluride, I will do Jud Weibe! Why? Because it's a great trail, it's quiet, beautiful, and challenging.

I am guilty of saying never. It is such a finite word. It reminds me of the word hate. There is no taking it back once it's out there. Here is the definition of never.....

nev·er (nevər) adverb 1. at no time in the past or future; on no occasion; not ever. 2. not at all.

(See what I mean - it's a scary word!)

For me, the term never conjures up thoughts of fear, judgment, doubt, discouragement, failure, etc.. Basically, not good stuff. So think about your "nevers". What are they? Make a list and challenge them.

Over this past year, I have for sure had to go back on some "nevers"...

I would never move out of our little corridor of Carmel Rd. I would never live in an apartment. I would never be gluten-free and dairy free. I would never be able to be enrolled at Auburn until my youngest goes off to college.

Think about times you went back on a never and it turned out to be the best decision ever!

What prompted this blog post was a post I read by Courtney Carver of It is probably one of the best posts I have read in a long time, and it inspired me. The title of the post is just as good as the content, "Why We Should Explore Crazy Ideas (+ a few of my crazy ideas)" Take the time to read it, you won't be disappointed!

I know there will be times when I slip up and say "never," after all, I am far from perfect!

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