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New Beginnings ~

"Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy." Saadi


There are two times during the year that I feel like making "resolutions".....New Years and September. Why September you ask? It is back to school season! Everything is new and fresh: books, school supplies, clothes, teachers, classes, friends, etc.. It is a chance to re-evaluate those New Years resolutions - ditch the ones that don't matter and keep plugging away on the ones that do.

Here is my new adventure, resolution, beginning (again)....I am going back to school. My therapist told me I couldn't say "finishing my degree" and that it had to be something different. You see I never officially finished my college degree. I have a certification in Montessori Education for 3-6-year-olds, I have been to three different universities and have accumulated over 120 hours! A few years back my awesome family had a "graduation" for me. It was complete with a ceremony and diploma. I am getting my "masters"! I am coming full circle and enrolled in the very place where I started 30 yrs ago, Auburn University!

I know this is NOT going to be easy. My mantra is the quote at the top of the page, "Be Patient. All things are difficult before they become easy." (Saadi). And maybe it will never be easy, and that's okay. Some things are just difficult but yet rewarding. For example; ten years ago I couldn't fly. I could not get on a plane - the anxiety was unbearable. With the help of my therapist and medication, I worked diligently on being able to fly. It was a slow and painful process, but I did it! Would I say it is easy to just hop on a plane today - no, but it is way easier than I ever imagined. The benefits of being able to fly are priceless!

My problem with going to school again is my perfectionism. After I left Auburn, I never made anything other than an "A" in any class. I have to get over this and let it go! What are grades anyway - a topic for another blog post! My grade point doesn't matter at this stage of the game. I just need to knock out classes like nobodies business and move on!

I was going to title this post "Go and Be Vulnerable Continued" because I am putting myself out there. Damn it's not going to be easy to sit in a classroom with 20-year-olds (right now my classes are online). But, as I described in the post from July, I have been sitting at the bottom of the mountain not sure where to go -not sure where God is calling me. This is it. This feels right. It feels hard and scary, but it seems like what I am called to do.

Finally, I have to thank my family for supporting this new adventure! You truly are amazing. You let me do life with you, and for that, I will be forever grateful! Maybe we are not the norm - I don't even know (what is normal anyway). All I know is that I feel so much love from my husband and my kids that I am beyond blessed! I love y'all so much!

P.S. The perfectionist in me is so relieved to get this in before the end of the month!!!!

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